Importing historical cases

Historical or legacy case data can be imported into the system, ensuring you can view and report on all your data in one place. The imported data will be displayed as part of the customer record and also within the reporting tool, and can be logged as a separate historical case type or as the same case types as natively generated cases. Data can be imported for closed cases only, or for both open and closed cases. The latter approach may require additional analysis by one of our consultants, as the requirements can be more complex.

How it works

We can configure the historical or legacy case to include any data you require. You should review your source data and your reporting requirements to ensure that all relevant data is exported and linked to the correct customer record.

The import usually consists of two files: one customer file with a row for each customer, and columns named for the standard iCasework contact details fields; the second with the data to be imported including customer Id of the customer to which the case relates to. Case and customer data should be limited to a maximum of 5000 rows per spreadsheet to ensure optimum performance, and should be imported in batches.

Once historical cases are created, historical documents can be imported using the import utility described below.

Import file format

For your customer import file, produce a CSV file with columns populated as below. Please ensure you check which fields your system uses if you already record customer data, specifically regarding custom fields.

IdThe customer’s unique reference
TitleThe customer’s title (Mr, Mrs, Ms etc)
FirstNameThe customer’s first name
SurnameThe customer’s surname
OrganisationThe organisation this customer belongs to, if any
AddressThe street component of the customer’s address
TownThe town component of the address
CountyThe county, province or region component of the address
CountryThe country component of the address
PostcodeThe zip or postcode component of the address
EmailThe customer’s email address
PhoneThe customer’s landline phone number
MobileThe customer’s mobile phone number
ContactMethodHow the customer would prefer to be contacted (e.g. Email, Phone, Letter)
ContactTimeWhat days or times of day the customer would prefer to be contacted if contact is made by telephone
ContactLanguageThe ISO 639 two letter code for the customer’s preferred contact language (e.g. fr, en, nl)
ContactConsentWhether the customer agrees to be contacted again in future
CategoryA category or type assigned to the customer
Custom1Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom2Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom3Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom4Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom5Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom6Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom7Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom8Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
Custom9Custom data to be held directly against the customer.
GenderThe gender of the customer
EthnicOriginThe ethnicity of the customer
SexualityThe sexuality of the customer
FaithThe faith of the customer
DateOfBirthThe date of birth of the customer
AgeGroupThe age group of the customer
Disability1Any disability the customer may have
Disability2Any disability the customer may have
Disability3Any disability the customer may have
Disability4Any disability the customer may have
Disability5Any disability the customer may have
Disability6Any disability the customer may have
Disability7Any disability the customer may have
Disability8Any disability the customer may have
Disability9Any disability the customer may have

The case import file should be developed based on the data you wish to import - each row should relate an individual case, each column, a data item within that case. Our consultants will then use your spreadsheet as a basis for creating the historical case type.

Ensure you include the following data where needed.

Customer.IdThe unique reference of the customer in the case
ExternalIdAny ID for the case in an external system, or from the original source system
[Additional case attributes]Any number of columns reflecting the historical data to be imported

The import process

The process we generally follow is:

  • Client provides data fields to be captured
  • Consultant creates the historical case type with appropriate attributes
  • Make the new case type temporarily available for manual input and testing
  • Client provides a sample number of customers in the spreadsheet provided (no more than 5)
  • Client to provide a sample historical case data as a csv file (no more than 5)
  • Consultant imports the sample customer and cases files
  • Client to review the imported cases
  • Consultant imports the final customer and case files which are populated by the client
  • Documents linked to cases as outlined below

Importing legacy documents

iCasework systems include an import utility to be used by our consultants to allow documents to be loaded onto legacy cases. Please follow the instructions below to prepare your documents and environment.

Exporting documents from source system

In order to support the import process we need all documents exported from the source system and given a filename that will link the document to the newly created "legacy" case in iCasework, using the iCasework ExternalID field containing the original case reference. This filename requirement will need to be part of your export process or handled with a shell script or similar afterwards.

Ensure that the filename is in the following format:


e.g. for a document called CustomerLetter.pdf from a legacy case that had the reference 12345 in the source system, the filename would be "12345#2020-01-04T13~45~00#CustomerLetter.pdf"

The DateTime format would be YYYY-MM-DDThh~mm~ss, and if the time is not available it can be specified as 00~00~00 e.g. "12345#2020-01-04T00~00~00#CustomerLetter.pdf"

The # character is the default separator between case ID and filename, but any other consistent separator character can be used - please ensure this character is not part of the filenames themselves, and inform your consultant.

Providing iCasework access to legacy documents

To complete the migration iCasework needs to have secure access to your documents in a format that allows for efficient data transfer. Please upload your documents to an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. You will need to apply a set of permissions to the bucket, and set up an IAM user with API key based access to your AWS account, and permissions as described below. Your AWS account details should then be added to the iCasework system in Administration >> General settings >> AWS API Credentials.

S3 Bucket policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DelegateS3Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::[ICASEWORK_ACCOUNT_ID]:root"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

IAM Permissions

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ListObjectsInBucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "AllObjectActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*Object",
            "Resource": [

Replace YOUR_BUCKETNAME with the unique name of your S3 Bucket. ICASEWORK_ACCOUNT_ID will be provided by your iCasework project team.

Loading legacy documents

Once your have exported your documents and prepared your S3 environment talk to an iCasework consultant to run the import utility on your behalf. This will happen at an agreed time - you may wish to test on a small set of documents first before running against a large dataset.

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