Google Docs connector

You can create and edit correspondence and documents in your system with Google Docs, using Google's smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs, based on your pre-defined correspondence templates.

Use of a familiar interface can lead to an increase in productivity and better looking correspondence. The Google Docs connector ensures ease of audit and compliance - correspondence is linked to or stored with the relevant case and not left scattered around users' shared folders or Drives.

How it works

When the Google Docs connector is enabled on your system, your users can opt to use Google Docs to edit correspondence via Me >> Preferences. They then simply click to edit a correspondence item, and the familiar Google Docs interface will open in their iCasework window. The document they are working on will be automatically stored and saved in the specified folder on your Google Docs account. Once the document is marked as sent it is converted to a read-only format and saved in the iCasework database.

Setting up your Google Docs connector

As an administrator you will need to set up your Google Docs account and provide your iCasework system with some information in order that it can access these to store documents in the process of being edited.

Set up Google Docs authorisation with Signed Credentials

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console
  2. Select the Organisation under which you wish to create the integration for iCasework then click Create Project, and fill in the details:
  3. Open your new project, and go to the Service Account area in the left menu, then click Create Service Account. Fill in the details - give the Project Editor role to your Service Account:
  4. When creating your service account, or afterwards select the option to Create Key - select type JSON, and save the file somewhere safe. Once complete, select Done.
  5. At the top left of the screen, click the Navigation Menu option (3 lines) then select APIs and Services >> Dashboard. Select Enable APIs and Services. Ensuring your current Project shows at the top of the screen, search for Drive API, select the Drive API option and then click Enable API.

Set up your system to use the credentials

  1. Go to Administration >> General settings >> Printed correspondence.
  2. Check the Google Docs option to enable the connector

  3. In the  Private key JSON file field, paste the contents of the downloaded JSON file generated earlier. Note that the field here does not display the JSON information following save, but it is saved on clicking the save button and can be updated by pasting new contents into this field. A blank field will not blank out the saved file when editting other settings
  4. Add your Google Docs domain to the Domain field.
  5. Click Save

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